Monday, July 27, 2020

Global Mobility QA with the MD of Johnson Johnson, CEE Viewpoint careers advice blog

Global Mobility QA with the MD of Johnson Johnson, CEE “Global mobility is changing the way we work. There’s a quiet revolution underway.” In our recent episode on Central Eastern Europe (CEE), we took a bird’s eye view of the situation on the ground in the healthcare and pharma industries, for those working in the region and others considering a move. In this episode, we burrow down deeper into what it’s like to take the plunge, with Canadian Gavin Wood, Managing Director of Johnson and Johnson CEE, who moved to Prague with his family in 2012. Gavin describes himself as “a big fan of global mobility” and is passionate about the new style of management emerging as candidates from diverse geographical and cultural backgrounds come together in the international workplace. What was your route to Prague? I’ve been with Johnson Johnson (JJ) for 12 years, working in positions across the board â€" sales, marketing, market access, general management, strategy and new business development. About five years ago, we made the move from Canada to Germany and then, three years later, from Germany to the Czech Republic. It’s common for expats to spend two years on global assignments and then return back home again, but my wife and I have always loved travel and we’ve revelled in the opportunity to continue experiencing new countries, new cultures and new ways of thinking. What’s your role? I look after JJ Medical Devices in Central Eastern Europe. The company is formed of several individual business units, including Ethicon, Cordis and Biosense Webster, all of which manufacture medical devices used across a range of surgical procedures. At JJ, CEE is split into four regions â€" Poland; the Czech Republic and Slovakia; the Baltics, Romania and Hungary and then the South East region. I am responsible for around 350 employees, who are overseen by four General Managers â€" one for each region and three Business Unit Directors. You’ve worked in Canada, Germany and now CEE. What do you see as the most significant trends arising out of global mobility? Global mobility is changing the way we work. In the past, we looked for leaders who could implement and drive execution. But that’s no longer enough. Now we start from the ground up, targeting people with high energy and optimism, who are willing to challenge the status quo and embrace change. People who are passionate about providing innovative solutions for our customers. We develop leaders who are curious to learn, adaptable and can think strategically. They also have broad functional experience and are leaders who can draw out the best from diverse groups of people. When you put together individuals from a variety of backgrounds, they find different ways of achieving the same goal and that is very powerful. What do you look for in expat candidates? I’d say the most important quality for an expat coming into a local market is flexibility. He or she needs to be able to adapt to the local environment and learn about what matters most to the customer. You have to come with an open mind and be willing to immerse yourself in the culture, in order to really understand how people think. We look for individuals who are life-long learners, with strong team and collaboration skills, who genuinely care about the customer and are both focused and patient. In what types of roles are there opportunities for expat candidates in CEE? JJ is always looking for talented people and there are many opportunities for talented individuals who are willing to learn within the CEE organization. Opportunities in general management, market access, health economics and regulatory are there for the right candidates â€" those who are attracted to the JJ culture of great people, great training programmes and a commitment to giving employees broad work experience over the years. What do you like most about living in Prague? Prague is a beautiful city. It’s safe, culturally diverse and a great place to bring up children. Being here has opened up exciting work challenges for me and given my family a wonderful experience. Travelling around the world, as we have, has strengthened us as a family, so the rewards are not only professional, but personal. As you can tell, I’m a big fan of global mobility! Do you think you’ll return to Canada? When you leave your country and return after some time away, they often say it’s like putting a square peg back into a round hole, as your personal and cultural experiences help you to grow and evolve. Canada will always be home because of family connections, but it’s hard to say, right now, where my family and I will eventually settle down for the long term. Are you interested in moving to Central Eastern Europe? Or maybe you’re already there and would like to comment on your experience. Either way, stay up to date with the latest news in life sciences across the globe by joining our LinkedIn group, Life Sciences Industry Insights with Hays  and follow us on Twitter  @HaysLifeScience. Visit our website to search and apply for the latest Life Sciences jobs in the Czech Republic. Visit our website

Monday, July 20, 2020

How to Make a Smooth Transition from A Freelance to Full-time Career -

The most effective method to Make a Smooth Transition from A Freelance to Full-time Career Outsourcing is completely not the same as working a full-time 9-to-5 employment. The qualities are extraordinary, as are the difficulties and advantages. As a specialist, you don't have a boss.You are not limited by any repressions or rules other than cutoff times. And yet, you need budgetary solidness, the advantages of network working, and important long haul proficient relationships.evalMost individuals incline toward the advantages of an all day work instead of that of outsourcing. The essential motivation behind why most consultants make the move is to wipe out their money related uncertainty.And it is just shrewd to do soconsidering the data transfer capacity of chances you get in the 9-to-5 work model. It gives you a command over your profession, not at all like in freelancing.However, the move doesn't come simple. You will encounter a great deal of unforeseen exciting bends in the road in this new way of life. Changes that you may not be agreeable with.To guarantee a smooth p rogress from independent to full-time you need a general change in perspective. In this article, I will cover a few hints that will make your progress smoother and doable.1. Adjusting to new position desires evalIn the independent work model, your activity desires are obviously expressed: get the ideal outcomes, and push forward. It is as basic as that.However, in the all day work you are relied upon to convey more than that. Your destinations will be twofold:To satisfy singular objectives â€" the objectives that you will be given as an individual expert that will incorporate your own month to month targets, and other worth augmentations that you can render under your particular employment title.To satisfy hierarchical objectives â€" authoritative objectives aren't as obviously expressed as individual objectives, yet they despite everything should be met on the off chance that you need to develop in your vocations. These objectives incorporate the unmistakable or immaterial qualitie s that you can add to your corporate network, industry, etc.Individual objectives in the all day work model are like that of outsourcing. Your chief/director will guide you, and you'll need to make sense of how to do it.evalHowever, you have an additional favorable position of finding support from your seniors. In the event that you feel stuck at your position anytime, your associates will gladly help.This advantage reaches out to the hierarchical objectives, that is â€" taking the group forward with a brought together authoritative vision in mind.This implies that you're done working only for yourself. It is where you need to continually give your contributions at each point.The I of outsourcing now turns into For one and one for all. evalYour issues are not, at this point only your issues; they're likewise the issues of your corporate network. Consequently, you are relied upon to increase the value of the group in however you can.Since you have functioned as a consultant, meeting the individual objectives shouldn't be a very remarkable issue for you. It is the hierarchical objectives that you need to figure out how to meet.To meet them, you need to comprehend the functionings of your association, what your association anticipates from you in return.Bid farewell to working in distance! In the underlying days of your joining, watch your group. Connect with your partners, and make sense of where they need. Check whether you can help them in any capacity. Attempt to comprehend the association's work culture, and discover the manner by which you can increase the value of your locale's culture.If there is something that you can do and your partner can't, instruct them. Hold fast to the qualities and standards of the corporate culture. Do whatever you can to guarantee that your association profits by you being a piece of it.2. Get settled with Routine can be the best thing and furthermore the most noticeably awful about the all day work. For individuals who despise any sort of a daily schedule, full-time is presumably not for them. Yet, even as a specialist, in case you're OK with one routine implies that you CAN get settled with another.You simply need to adjust to this new daily practice of all day working. Know that when you begin working all day, your entire life is going to take a sensational turn. The standard will change and you'll need to change accordingly.The early regularly scheduled drive, the one-hour mid-day break, and going back home can appear to be repetitive and disappointing from the start. Yet, after a point, they'll become one of the significant reasons you'll stay with a job.The best thing: you likely won't need to take your work home. After the available time, you're allowed to invest energy anyway you need. This freedom you don't have in outsourcing. When there is a cutoff time, you need to stick to it. There are no two different ways about it.3. Keep in mind: You're despite everything working for yourself evalMost ind ividuals detest all day work since they're working for the chief. This isn't totally right. Without a doubt, you're on the finance, however you despite everything are working for your own advantages. Aside from the authoritative objectives

Monday, July 13, 2020

3 ways to make planning a vacation a little easier for you

3 different ways to make arranging an excursion somewhat simpler for you 3 different ways to make arranging an excursion somewhat simpler for you You can follow a pre-get-away agenda each line in turn - including setting up the ideal out-of-office email answer - and still feel fatigued when you're arranging a trip.Here are three different ways to offer some relief during the process.Stay prepared: do some pressing before you really have toThis could both spare time and assist you with abstaining from overlooking something on your way out.The Washington Post highlights data from and about Alice Boyes, PhD, the creator of The Anxiety Toolkit and a previous analyst. Here's some knowledge on how she remains prepared for travel.Rather than repacking toiletries without fail, Boyes keeps copies of things she utilizes often, for example, her toothbrush and toothpaste. She puts one out of a bag and keeps one at home. She additionally continues garments in her bag that she realizes she will wear out and about. This permits her to place less time and vitality into setting up the prior night when she's generally as yet working late, the d istribution reports.Before leaving: tell your associates when you will and won't be freeElizabeth Grace Saunders, a creator, organizer of Real Life E Time Coaching Speaking and time the board mentor, clarifies this in the Harvard Business Review.Once you've made sense of what you will do before departing on an extended get-away and what can be dealt with while you're away, explain what you won't do until you return. I suggest having a feeling of this in your brain early. Be that as it may, hold up until three or four days before you leave to make the last approach what's in or out. By then you ought to make certain about what you can sensibly achieve, and you can transfer this data to your chief, partners, and any other individual associated with the work, she writes.It can be awkward to have these discussions, however it's quite often best to clear the air regarding what's in store as opposed to leaving individuals hanging who are anticipating something from you, and afterward mana ging a mid-get-away emergency brought about by absence of correspondence. Update associates on the status of activities and let them realize that nothing will push ahead until after you get back in the workplace. Likewise, give key people the heads-up that you won't be accessible - or as accessible - during the time that you're away, Saunders continues.On the excursion: don't get bothered also easilyDon't neglect to cut yourself some slack.Social clinician Susan Newman told the Reader's Digest that when things go off course on your outing, you should consider it an experience, on the grounds that frequently the setbacks and the things that turn out badly really become either amusing in your memory bank or the best thing that occurred in general get-away.

Monday, July 6, 2020

When You Can Take a Vacation at a New Job - The Muse

At the point when You Can Take a Vacation at a New Job - The Muse At the point when You Can Take a Vacation at a New Job We as a whole have insane musings when beginning a new position: Do I need to advise my supervisor when I go to the washroom? Will individuals think my extras are excessively unusual of a lunch? Would it be a good idea for me to wave when individuals stroll by my work area? No, better to simply grin. It doesn't matter, grinning's dreadful, simply gaze at your PC and don't look. Be that as it may, a portion of those inquiries concerning new position decorum are really substantial things like acceptable behavior around the workplace, what to wear, and when it's good to take breaks. All things considered, they can mean the contrast between having a magnificent notoriety and an awful one. Probably the greatest inquiry I had when I originally began was the point at which I could get away. Indeed, The Muse has a boundless excursion strategy, and my supervisor never referenced I expected to hold up a half year yet I additionally realize that it's normal civility with regards to being the beginner. To get a couple of more rules, I contacted HR master and Muse vocation mentor Arik Orbach. His reaction? The general dependable guideline is probably going to stick around three to a half year. Be that as it may, it unequivocally relies upon the association and their way of life. He proceeded to clarify that numerous organizations plainly direct what their excursion strategy is. Some have you collect increasingly more time-off the more you're there. Others may have a trial period for when you're being prepared and should be in the workplace. In any case, the explanation he proposes that three-to half year time span is on the grounds that by the day's end, it simply doesn't look great to deliver off before at that point. Also, you're bound to miss key onboarding data. All things considered, a great deal of this relies upon your exhibition as it so happens. In case you're not getting things rapidly or as yet being vigorously observed by your chief, it's most likely not the best an ideal opportunity to inquire. Be that as it may, as Orbach states, A worker who can hit on all assignments and cutoff times and is exhibiting extraordinary advancement is increasingly well-suited to being allowed time off in light of the fact that they trust you to take care of business regardless, and they need to keep you cheerful. Obviously, there are consistently exemptions to the standard. For instance, in case you're getting hitched three weeks into your new job, your supervisor is most likely not going to decrease your solicitation. Nonetheless, Orbach recommends, it's smarter to get these sorts of things settled up before you acknowledge the proposition for employment: This could likewise apply to any arranged get-aways where outings have been prepaid as of now. Obviously, you don't generally have the advantage of knowing early if something genuine comes up that you have to get some much needed rest for. On the off chance that you have a parent gotten out of nowhere sick, for instance, your chief would almost certainly be understanding, versus suppose, an off the cuff get-away to the Caribbean. So you've perused this and believe you're equipped for some RR-how would you make the inquire? In the first place, says Orbach, you need to consider the effect your nonattendance will have. You're not going to warm up to your partners on the off chance that they need to get a move on after scarcely knowing you. Along these lines, it's ideal to construct a decent affinity with your group first before placing in the solicitation. At that point, make sense of in the event that you can fulfill all your time constraints before your excursion. In the event that you go to your manager arranged with a course of events for how you'll complete everything, they're bound to state yes. At long last, consider what you'll miss while you're gone. Is this an active time for your association? Are there any large gatherings occurring? In the event that your excursion comes at an intense time for business (and in this manner leaves your chief and group with a ton of work to manage without you), it might merit postponing it until the more slow season. The exact opposite thing I'll state is that each new worker needs to invest their effort. I completely have confidence in self-care and getting some much needed rest for yourself-so in case you're beginning to wear out, by all methods take an individual day in the event that you can. Be that as it may, it'll make you look so much better and addition you a lot more regard on the off chance that you appear each day and kick some butt for a couple of months in a row. I didn't wind up taking a long get-away until I was a year into my job. While I presumably could've left sooner, the excursion was considerably more remunerating on the grounds that I'd genuinely earned it (and reward, since I'd constructed my supervisor's trust, she demanded I totally unplug.) In this way, long story short, utilize all your get-away days-it's useful for your vocation over the long haul quite possibly hold up a couple of months before you start. Trust us, it'll be justified, despite all the trouble.