Saturday, December 28, 2019

Careers Options for Working With Wildlife

Careers Options for Working With WildlifeCareers Options for Working With WildlifeThere are many career options for those who want to work with wildlife, whether you want to work with native or exotic species. Some options include Wildlife Veterinarian Wildlife veterinarians are qualified to treat a variety of species including reptiles, birds, and mammals. Becoming a licensed wildlife veterinarian requires a significant educational commitment, but the average salary for veterinarians is around $90,000. Board certified practitioners earn higher salaries. Zookeeper Zookeepers are responsible for the daily care of a zoos animal collection. Regular duties include feeding, giving medications, cleaning enclosures, and reporting behavioral changes. Most zookeepers have at least a two-year degree, and salary generally ranges from $23,000 to $45,000. Marine Mammal Trainer Marine mammal trainers condition kriegsmarine species to perform specific behaviors on command. They are also responsible for supervising daily care and providing behavioral enrichment activities. Most marine mammal trainers have at least a two-year degree, and salary ranges from $30,000 to $40,000. Herpetologist Herpetologists are biologists who study reptiles and amphibians. They may be involved in a variety of areas including research, education, or collection management. Herpetologists must have a four-year degree at minimum, and graduate level degrees are preferred. The average yearly salary is about $40,000, though educators and top researchers may earn double that amount. Wildlife Biologist Wildlife biologists study a variety of wildlife species and may be involved in research, education, or managing local wildlife. Wildlife biologists must have at least a four-year degree, and fruchtwein positions give preference to those with graduate degrees. The average salary for wildlife biologists in 2017 was around $60,000. Ichthyologist Ichthyologists are biologists who study fi sh, sharks, and rays. They may be involved in a variety of duties depending on their role in research, education, or collection management. A four-year degree is required, with most ichthyologists holding graduate level degrees. The salary for this position averages close to $60,000. Zoo Curator Zoo curators oversee the acquisition and management of animals in a zoos collection. They are also involved in the management and hiring of staff members. Curators usually have a four-year degree, with an advanced degree preferred. Salary averages about $55,000 per year. Aquarist Aquarists care for marine mammals and fish kept at aquariums. Aquarists are responsible for general care, habitat maintenance, feeding, and assisting with veterinary procedures. They must have a four-year degree and scuba diving certification to enter the field, and they can expect to earn a salary in the $20,000 to $35,000 range. Entomologist Entomologists are biologists who study insects. They are usua lly involved in research, education, or a combination of both. Entomologists must have a four-year degree, and teaching and research roles often require advanced degrees. The salary for entomologists is usually in the $55,000 to $65,000 range. Zoo Educator Zoo educators teach visitors about the zoos collection of animals in an effort to promote conservation. They may be involved in giving tours, presenting formal seminars, and circulating throughout the park to answer questions. Most zoo educators have at least a four-year degree, and they can expect to earn a salary in the $30,000 to $40,000 range. Primatologist Primatologists are biologists that study primates such as gorillas, orangutans, and chimpanzees. They are most frequently involved in research, education, or conservation. Primatologists must have at least a four-year degree, and graduate level degrees are preferable. The average salary for this position is about $55,000. Fish and Game Warden Fish and game warde ns enforce laws and regulations relating to wildlife in a designated area. They may be involved with issuing hunting licenses, conducting surveys of local game, and assisting injured wildlife. Two to four years of education in wildlife management or law enforcement are desirable. The annual mean wage for this position is roughly $55,000. Zoologist Zoologists are biologists who study a variety of wildlife species. They may work in education, research, or collection management. This position requires a four-year degree, and jobs requiring applicants have graduate degrees in the field are most common. The salary for this position usually ranges from $55,000 to $85,000. Marine Biologist Marine biologists study a wide variety of aquatic animals. They may work in research, private industry, or education. A four-year degree is required, and most marine biologists have an M.S. or Ph.D. Salaries range from about $50,000 to $100,000. Beekeeper Beekeepers (apiarists) manage bee col onies that produce honey or other products like beeswax. Beekeepers divide colonies, replace combs, and construct new hives. No degree is required to enter this profession though many beekeepers do hold degrees. A full-time beekeeper can make up to nearly $100,000 per year part-time keepers can expect to make about $20,000.

Monday, December 23, 2019

How to Get Your Boss to Promote You

How to Get Yur Boss to Promote You How to Get Your Boss to Promote You But a lack of advancement opportunities is not always the employers fault. In more cases than you might think, people fail to advance their careers because they lack clear visions, effective strategies, and beratership. People also fail to advance because they never step back to honestly assess their own strengths and how they can best contribute to an organization.So, what do the people who succeed in landing promotions do? Here are three key actions they take to advance even when the company seems, on the surface, to lack such opportunities1. They Are Very Clear About the Position or Role They Are Working Toward and Have a Great Track Record With the CompanyOf course, it wont always be the case that someone knows exactly what role they want. However, in most successful cases, people are able to pinpoint thetypeof fleck they want in the company. More importantly, they know why they want to be in this role and f eel confident they would succeed in it.While its great to have a clear vision and direction, its equally as important to make sure you are giving your current role your best effort, even if your ultimate goal is to advance to anotherbei position. Ive seen a lot of people get too focused on their future role, losing focus on their current role as a result. Wise leaders look at your character and your performance over a long period of time before making a decision about a promotion. If youre not performing at your peak in your current role, you wont be promoted to your goal role.For example, I recently spoke with a CEO who said he welches unlikely to hire or promote someone who said a lack of motivation welches the cause for their poor performance in a prior role. The CEO said that, in his experience, it was often obvious that the person lacked integrity if they took on a position to which they couldnt contribute. He also said that, many times, people who use the motivation excuse don t have a good work ethic. They are too emotionally driven. Instead of always working hard, they only work hard when things are going well.2. They Are Appropriately Transparent With the Right People and Find the Mentorship and Support They NeedI met with a woman last year who had recently been promoted to project manager at a very reputable organization. She informed me that she was promoted to her management position earlier in her career than the company policy agreement stated was permissible. Nobody could believe she was able to pull this off. In fact, as she was trying, most people told her she was foolish to even attempt it.How was she able to accomplish this seemingly impossible feat?For starters, she was bold. She didnt hold back. During her first months at the company, she sought out someone at a nearby location who worked as a project manager and asked if she could take her out to lunch and learn more about the role. She decided that it was definitely the role she wanted to be in, and the project manager agreed to mentor her and help her create a strategy to work toward landing this role. The woman and her mentor connected in person or by phone every week for many months.The mentor happened to be very well respected at the organization and close with upper management. When a project manager position became available, the mentor gave this woman a stellar recommendation to upper management. After management pulled some strings, this woman was promoted even though she hadnt been at the company long enough.Find a specialist who understands the dynamics and skills it takes to accomplish your career goals. Invest in yourself and take a proactive approach. Youll be ten steps ahead of your competition if you do.3. They Understand How They Would Contribute to the Organization If Promoted to Their Goal RoleBe honest with yourself about what you do best. Get feedback from others you respect. Look at the tangible results youve achieved in your career to understan d how you can concretely contribute.I cannot stress this enough. Many people simply want to be promoted because it sounds good and pays more. They wait around passively for things to change, or they have an idea of why they could be promoted but dont put in the work to make it a reality.Heres an exception to that norm A woman Ive been coaching currently works for a hotel company in sales and reservations she wants to be a revenue manager. In our conversations, I am helping her clearly articulate exactly the tasks she currently does and the skills she possess that would make her a dynamic revenue manager in the future.In addition to excelling in her current role, she is tracking quantifiable data regarding how much money she saves the company by analyzing quarterly and annual sales spreadsheets and doing financial forecasting to cut on extraneous costs. In order to promote customer satisfaction and client retention, she is also ensuring the companys top clients who will book large ev ents in 2018 are informed in advance of rising costs for service congruent with inflation. By taking ansicht actions, she has already surpassed her predecessor in terms of money saved and earned for the company - and shes only been at it a few months.This woman has the key ingredients she needs to land a promotion She understands how she could be of most help to her company she works hard at and excels in her current role she is transparent about her intentions with her current boss, her regional manager, and the revenue manager at a different hotel location. As a result, she has found that not only are her managers supportive, but they are also giving her tips on what she can do to become a great revenue manager one dayTo top it off, she has only been at her company six months, and she just received her first promotion last week.Scott Engler is the author ofThe Job Inner-ViewandLegends of the Recruiting and Career World.Read his latest,The Problem and the Solution,on his website.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Why December is the Best Time of Year to Look for a Job

Why December is the Best Time of Year to Look for a JobWhy December is the Best Time of Year to Look for a JobWhy December is the Best Time of Year to Look for a JobIts December, one of the most wonderful times of the year and one of the arguably best times of year to look for a job.Depending on where you live, theres likely a bit of a nip in the air. You might even look out your window and see snow on the ground. Just because the temperatures have cooled down and Jack Frost has made his first wintry appearance, doesnt mean you should also cool down your job search.December can actually be a lucrative time of year for many job seekers, and if you stop your job search, youll likely be missing out on some of those opportunities. So light a fire in the fireplace, grab a blanket and your laptop, and get comfy its time to start doing some December job searching. Here are a few reasons why December is the best time of year to look for a job.Leftover budgetMuch like the leftovers from your holiday dinner, leftover dollars in the company budget are too tempting to let go to waste. Companies often have wish lists when it comes to positions theyd like to fill, but often those positions arent listed during the course of the year because its not clear whether there will be enough wiggle room in the budget to bring on another salary.As the year draws to a close, however, the dollars left over from the original budget become mora clear. This allows companies to consider opening up those positions that would be highly beneficial to them, but which they previously were unsure theyd be able to afford. Keep an eye out for ansicht types of positions that open up as the end of the year looms.Volunteering builds connectionsAn increase in volunteer opportunities is another reason that December is the perfect time to apply for jobs. Think outside of the traditional networking scene and consider how you can do good while also building connections. December is the season of giving, and many companies create volunteer opportunities to help out their community (and the world) in a variety of wonderful ways.Your first priority in volunteering for one of these opportunities should be to make a positive difference in the world, so dont just volunteer for the sake of networking. Make sure your heart is in the right place. Once youve determined that, however, its perfectly fine to do some networking while youre doing good, and youll even have a leg up on the competition because those with whom you network will see the good deeds youre doing. Youll score points right off the bat.Easier to connect to hiring managersAside from summer, December is arguably the time of year when most people opt to use their vacation hours. While you may be tempted to do so as well, if you are serious about your job search, youll hold off until the new year and focus on contacting hiring managers, submitting applications, and perfecting your resume instead.Why? Simple. With so many employees out of the office, hiring managers have more time to answer emails and phone calls. They also have more time to pay attention to the details in your resume. Take this time to reach out to hiring managers responsible for filling the positions to which you applied. Youll be much more likely to get a response, and theres a good chance your ambition will be rewarded.QuittersSurprisingly or not, many people choose to quit their jobs or leave for other opportunities near the end of the year. Whether its waiting to receive their holiday bonus and then bailing out, not wanting to return to the office after a vacation, or moving on for greener pastures in the new year, jobs that werent previously open tend to become open during this time of year.An unexpected employee departure can leave a company scrambling to fill the void. Positions like these are hot, and employers often look to fill these as soon as possible because not doing so can put the company behind in whatever area was left vacan t. Keep an eye out for these last-minute openings and take advantage of others dashes for the door.Showcase your tenacityWhile many job seekers give up and instead choose to use December as a time to relax and shrug off the worries of the year, its in your best interest to keep up the hard work because of what it says about you and your personal brand. You may not consider this, but employers will see your continued effort as tenacious and view you as a go-getter. Tenacious go-getters are the types of people most companies want to hire.Showing that you arent the type to become complacent and give up on your search creates a positive impression in the minds of employers. Take advantage of this trend, but be sure to stay on the tenacious side of the fine line between tenacious and desperate. Too many phone calls or emails can cross that line and paint you as a desperate, annoying job seeker instead of a qualifikationly tenacious, go-getter type of employee.Search away, but keep this i n mind...The moral of the story is that it pays to continue your search well into and throughout the entire month of December. Employers are definitely hiring during this time, and you can easily miss out by giving up.Be careful, however, not to jump on the first thing that comes along. If a job youre offered in December isnt the right fit, you dont have to take it. Analyze the offering and determine whether the money, the role, and the company culture are the right fit for you.You cant force something that just isnt right. If you find a job in December, but it doesnt feel right or just isnt a fit for some reason, its OK to decline the offer and hold out until the new year.Finding a job or transitioning to a new job can be a difficult thing. Searching for a job is never truly an enjoyable activity, but if you ignore the potential to find a job in December, your job search process may end up dragging out much longer than youd hoped. So why not continue the search through December? Th ere are lots of opportunities, and you dont want to let the perfect job slip away because you believe the hype about winter-month hiring.Is your resume ready for the new year? Not sure? Figure out with a free, objective resume critique todayRecommended ReadingHow to Advance Your Job Search During the Holiday SeasonThe Professionals Guide to Job Seeking During the HolidaysMake Your Holiday Job-Search List and Check It Twice

Friday, December 13, 2019

How to make time for exercise even on your craziest days

How to make time for exercise even on your craziest daysHow to make time for exercise even on your craziest daysTheres no shortage of science suggesting that exercise is good for yourmentalas well as your physical health - and yet for many of us, incorporatingexerciseinto our daily routines remains a struggle. Anew study, published in the journal Neuropsychologia, asks why. Shouldnt it be easier to take on a habit that is so good for us?The studys answer points towards whats holding us back According to the researchers, pickingphysically activebehaviors over sedentary ones actually requires mora brain power than picking active behaviors over sedentary ones. Whether its evolutionary or cultural, our brains seem to be wired to have an easier time lying on the couch than running on the treadmill - or evenout in the park.This means that its crucial to have structures in place that help you keep active, even when your brain is already tired out and would love some couch-lounging. Your brain will reap the benefits if you force it to youll find that moving around even just a little bit will leave you less stressed, in a better mood - and even more energetic.Here are a few microsteps to get yourself working outPick a regular (sedentary) part of your existing routine and switch it out for an active choiceA great bet for incorporating change into your routine is attaching it to an already familiar habit. You may currently be in the habit of taking the elevator up to your office, using the closer train entrance or parking lot on your morning commute, or standing in front of the mirror as you brush your teeth and floss every night. Instead of the elevator, take the stairs instead of using the nearest entrance or lot, budget a few extra minutes and walk to the farther one instead of standing totenstill as you floss, walk around your house. Small changes like these are a structured way to incorporate exercise into your daily routine without making any significant change s. Because they are attached to habits you already have, they should be easier to make routine.Pinpoint the most frustrating, stressful part of your week, and commit to movement right after thatThis could be a weekly meeting or work task, or a regular phone call with one of your parents - simply pinpoint a moment of peak stress in your week. Then, commit to some physical activity immediately afterwards. Hold yourself accountable by writing a note to yourself in your calendar or an iPhone reminder. Depending on where and when this moment of stress happens, that activity could be as quick as running down the office stairs for a walk around the block, or as comprehensive as scheduling in gym time or a quick run. Whatever the activity is, sticking to it in those moments of tension will have an outsize effect on your stress by catching it immediately and diffusing tension through movement.Work out while you watch TVThis is one of my favorites You get to indulge the part of your brain th ats telling you to lie down on the couch while actually circumnavigating laziness. There are tons of exercises you can do while sitting or lying down in front of a show - pilatesleg exercises are particularly great, because they often dont require moving your upper body and interrupting your viewing experience. And there are plenty of videos with clear instructions to get you started onYouTube- run a quick search and find some moves that work for you. Every time you settle in for an hour of TV, take the first twenty minutes to exercise, as well.Thisarticlefirst appeared onThrive Global.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Unanswered Problems With Music Resume Examples Exposed

Unanswered Problems With Music Resume Examples Exposed Why Almost Everything Youve Learned About Music Resume Examples Is Wrong Evaluate what should be on the resume and keep only the most important details. The sample reference page provided here can readily be adapted to fulfill your requirements. Generally, you can choose to create References on request. You need to always have three or more references out there. Please note you can be asked to take private lessons and join one of our key music ensembles in the region of your scholarship. Formal education isnt mandatory, but might be necessary by theaters or opera halls. Understanding how to tailor your resume will obviously offer you an advantage. The Advantages of Music Resume Examples Perhaps while looking for examples you noticed poor samples all around the internet. Your one page may be used a great deal more effectively. Writing a strong application is a difficult procedure and we would like to make it simpler. Consider what you are going to be putting on your resume, and select your template accordingly. At the resume stage, that is step one, they are squarely focused on developing a quick list of applicants with the skills to meet with the programs demands and expectations for the position. After their resume writing strategy can help you land more auditions. Needless to say, you must however mention distinctive abilities that are appropriate as well as different qualification that you believe they research for. Clearly, you have to still mention different abilities that can be appropriate together with different qualification that you believe they search for. The music business is a competitive game, and your resume can frequently be a deciding factor in whether youll receive the job. Despite the fact that youve never held an audio job. Budding and expert musicians have a selection of job choices available to them. Briefly describe your type of music also. You cant deliver p recisely the exact band resume sample to several organization for different job. You have to find out the way to generate the very best band resume sample that youre able to deliver to the organization and provide great first effect about yourself, understand it here. For the company, band resume sample will act as the very first instrument once they selected the prospect for more review. The band ought to have an expert portfolio available too. For students that are new to the work market, interests and activities are a fantastic method to show employers you have skills they are searching for. There are many jobs offered within this exciting field. If youre attempting to obtain work in accounting or finance you require averystrong resume. Simply download our on-line casino, deposit and begin playing Certain jobs may call for extra qualifications in front of a candidate can be considered for the job, therefore its very important to you to totally comprehend whatever conditio ns are mentioned in any work listing. Real estate is quite a lucrative industry so its obviously a competitive one. Deficiency of creativity causes a career like Milli Vanilli. Another core element you must look at when drafting your resume is understanding the sort of job that youre after. In a lot of ways, your resume will be much more straightforward and easy to write. Choosing Good Music Resume Examples Do not forget showing that you currently knowledgeable concerning the role for the particular company and inform your skill which will assist you and the business to thrive. The medical industry can be quite competitive. Unique kinds of work in the food service industry require resumes with a lot of the exact skills. Saying very good customer service isnt enough.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Never Before Told Story About Resume Writing for Data Center Jobs That You Must Read or Be Left Out

The Never Before Told Story About Resume Writing for Data Center Jobs That You Must Read or Be Left Out Who Else Wants to Learn About Resume Writing for Data Center Jobs? What you exclude is at least as crucial as what you include. There are lots of basic kinds of resumes used to make an application for job openings. If you neglect to quantify your experience, the hiring manager wont be in a position to tell if youre an excellent fit or in the event that you can deal with the workload essential for the job. More frequently than not, talent isnt a determinant of succeeding in any sphere. If you are searching for resume writer jobs, were always open for cooperation. During the time youre focused on getting the proper job, well make certain you dont miss any LinkedIn is made for professionals and there are many groups you may join for networking, which might ultimately help you construct your client base. Youre able to browse the website and decide for yourself whether you f eel a paid membership may be worthwhile. Every customer may consult us at any opportunity to choose the templates, an abbildung of the greatest resumes, a business, a deadline, and various other things necessary to finish the purchase. Resumes ought to be brieftypically a couple of pages. How to Choose Resume Writing for Data Center Jobs So when the hiring company hasnt provided a salary for work, we look at salary data from related businesses and locations to produce a fair estimate for what it is possible to expect. You must organize your resume to assist agencies evaluate your experience. Federal jobs often need you to have experience in a special type of work for some period of time. In addition, you can look for call center jobs on Monster. The Tried and True Method for Resume Writing for Data Center Jobs in Step by Step Detail The last price of the order is dependent on several things. In case the job description doesnt list a particular individual, do your research Go online and locate the suitable contact individual. You also have to be in a position to grasp the finest possible ingestaltation for the customers resume. When youre starting any form of business, it requires time to develop a client base and start seeing a steady income. The Battle Over Resume Writing for Data Center Jobs and How to Win It You should have access to a computer and the web, and be an authority in Microsoft Word. Writing a resume may appear difficult initially, but were here to assist. You may also contact the Front Desk Receptionist or the Human Resources Office within that specific company if its still true that you cannot locate the proper contact person. Getting the Best Resume Writing for Data Center Jobs Freelancing provides the perfect respite, if youre one of many who is running the success-race in Freelance resume writing. Employers spend a brief time reviewing the resume of a prospective candidate. You should be able to have a notion of what ty pes of jobs require what sorts of resumes. Resume Writing for Data Center Jobs Options What matters is having relevant content thats simple to read. Guarantee the info is presented in a sense thats simple to read. Starting your own resume writing business or any other kind of home business for this matter is a good idea if youve got the abilities and ultimately wish to be your own boss. Possessing a well thought out current resume on hand whatsoever times can help you save you a good deal of anxiety, and might help you save you a missed opportunity.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Windmill Collection and Apollo Space Suit Added to ASMEs Landmarks Roster

Windmill Collection and Apollo Space Suit Added to ASMEs Landmarks Roster Windmill Collection and Apollo Space Suit Added to ASMEs Landmarks Roster Windmill Collection and Apollo Space Suit Added to ASMEs Landmarks Roster(From left) William Shust, director of the ASME Fox Valley Section, ASME Past President Victoria Rockwell, and Bob Popeck, former Batavia fireman, police chief and city administrator, with one of the Batavia windmills. (Photos by Wil Haywood, ASME Public Information) Earlier this month, ASME designated a collection of early windmills and the legendary Model A7L Apollo space suit as the two latest historic mechanical engineering landmarks, bringing the total number of ASME landmarks to 255.This has been a busy couple of months for ASMEs History and Heritage (HH) Committee, which oversees the ASME landmarks program. Just last month, the committee designated two other landmarks, the Big Surf Water Park Wave Pool and the Titan Crane, in ceremonies held in Arizona and Scotland, respectively. On Sept. 14, the Society designated landmark status to a collection of 17 reconstructed windmills - nine of which are in operation - during a ceremony in Batavia, Ill. From 1863 to 1951, Batavia, often referred to as the Windmill Capital of the World, welches home to six local windmill makers, including U.S. Wind Engine Pump Co., which built the nations first mass-production facility and held 27 patents on windmill design. Incorporating innovative design ideas for the blades and wheels, Batavias windmills were used to pump water for livestock and plants and also played a major role in western expansion, allowing settlements to grow beyond the confines of lakes and rivers. (From left) Thomas Fehring, vice chair of the ASME HH Committee, ASME Past President Vickie Rockwell, Jeff Schielke, mayor of Batavia, ASME District C Leader Thomas Wendt, Fox Valley Section Director Bill Shust and Dr. T. Lindsay Baker, windmill scholar and historian, a t the ASME landmark plaque unveiling for the Batavia windmill collection. The Batavia windmills were designed for easy assembly, operation, and maintenance using only simple hand tools, according to the plaque that was presented to the town during the ceremony. In the landmark designation, ASME also cited the windmills for the self-regulating capability of their systems, which automatically adjusted the wheel and blade angle to maintain constant speed and power in varying winds.The 17 windmills honored at the ceremony were gathered from various sites throughout the country during a local drive themed Bringing Them Home, initiated in 1994. Each of the windmills was reconstructed locally by windmill enthusiasts and restorers. During the presentation of the landmark plaque, ASME Past President Victoria Rockwell paid tribute the engineering innovation behind the windmills. Engineers spend countless hours in an effort to find solutions to some of the worlds greatest chal lenges, she said. We hope that the time put into researching, evaluating and providing solutions to these challenges will help improve to the quality of life. With any luck, our contributions will be lasting, impactful and will go on to make our world a better place for generations to come. Daniel Halladay, the visionary engineer responsible for the Batavia Windmills, exemplifies that which makes engineering such a special endeavor. Batavia indeed has influenced a generation of engineers and entrepreneurs, and it is important that we take time to recognize their historic accomplishments. ASME Past President John Parker poses with the Model A7L Apollo space suit, which was designated as an ASME landmark earlier this month. Rockwell also thanked the Fox Valley Section for hosting the ceremony, Fox Valley Section Director William Shust for preparing the nomination materials and helping coordinate the ceremony, and the late Gerald Moyar for initiating the windmill coll ections nomination for ASME landmark status. In addition to former President Rockwell, ASME was represented at the event by Thomas Fehring, vice chair of the ASME HH Committee.On Sept. 20, ASME Past President John Parker officiated a ceremony at ILC Dover Inc. in Frederica, Del., during which the Model A7L space suit was named an ASME landmark. The space suit, created at ILC Dover, was made famous by Astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin during their Apollo 11 mission to the moon and worn by American astronauts on 10 other Apollo missions.ILC designed the suit, which consists of a torso assembly that integrated the arms, legs, and boots into a single pressurized garment. The spacesuit features a specially engineered ventilation system to allow the flow of pure oxygen, signal telemetry to monitor heart rates and other conditions, a system for the continuous flow of cool water, and a thermal micrometeoroid outer layer to protect against solar radiation and other hazards. Former NASA Astronaut Michael Lopez-Alegria was a special guest speaker at the space suit landmark designation ceremony in Frederica, Del. The space suit, which was worn on Apollo missions between 1968 and 1972, may have been complex from a design engineering standpoint, but it was also a highly practical garment that allowed NASAs astronauts the mobility and flexibility to walk the lunar surface, handle cameras and other equipment, and manage delicate research tasks.The Model A7L space suit protected Apollo astronauts from the harsh conditions of space while providing good mobility, particularly on the lunar surface, reads the inscription on the landmark plaque presented to ILC at the ceremony. Each suit served as an independent, personal spacecraft that furnished all life support, hazard protection, communication, and comfort features needed by an astronaut.During the ceremony, Parker said of the suit and the engineering achievement of ILC, Douglas Lantry, author of Man i n Machine, an essay on the history of technology called the Apollo Suits, likely the most complex clothing ever made, and they share characteristics of both garments and machines. The work done by ILC is the font of engineering that indelibly moves our culture. For the space suit image is one that, according to Mr. Lantry has become a familiar and enduring symbol. (Left to right) H Homer Reihm, Apollo program manager and former president of ILC Dover ASME Past President John Parker ILC Historian Bill Ayrey and Delmarva Subsection Chair Raymond Jackson with ASMEs newest landmark the Model A7L Apollo space suit. Scott Davidson, a member of the ASME Delmarva Subsection, nominated the space suit for its ASME landmark designation. Robert Woods, HH Committee member and Mechanical Engineering magazine contributor, and Raymond Jackson, chair of the Delmarva Subsection also attended the landmark ceremony, which was coordinated by the Delmarva Subsection and ILC Dover. To learn more about the ASME Historic Mechanical Engineering Landmarks program, visit

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Nutritionists on what you should never, ever eat in the office

Nutritionists on what you should never, ever eat in the officeNutritionists on what you should never, ever eat in the officePlenty of factors contribute to how you perform from the moment you log in until you bid buh-bye to the receptionist. You know if you agree to aelendher beer past your prime, youll probably have a headache in the A.M. Or, if you allow procrastination to win over dedication, you could be racing against the clock - and not quite deliver your best work. One of the most undervalued impacts on your ethics, however, is food. Office settings are generally conducive to peer pressure, especially with ample snacks and desserts around, making it easier to frage off your healthy-eating bandwagon. But as a study discovered, if you dont eat smartly, you wont be quite as productive and you claim more sick days away from your desk.Why are our nomming choices so vital? According to registered dietician and author Tanya Zuckerbrot, MS, RD it is quite simple food is our bodys fue l. Specifically, glucose - the resulting product of carbohydrate metabolism - acts as the fuel for both our voluntary and involuntary activities. Involuntary activities are our eyes blinking, our hearts beating, breathing in and out, and using our brain. Voluntary activities are the movements we choose to do, like walking, standing up, getting from point A to point B, she continues.To set yourself up for success, avoid behauptung energy-draining habitsJust having coffee for breakfastWeve all been there the car wont start, the toddler is cutting a tooth, you have no clean laundry and you have a board meeting in a half-hour. While sure, there be some of those no-good days where coffee is the only A.M. sustenance you have time for, registered dietitian and nutritionist Keith Ayoob suggests getting serious about your breakfast schedule. You should avoid having only coffee, or a coffee with a doughnut, Danish or roll. Since these refined carbs will spike your blood glucose and the caf feine will stimulate insulin secretion, youll be setting yourself up for an 11 a.m. crash.Instead, set your palette toward food thatll give you momentum Greek yogurt or two eggs are packed with protein. A bowl of whole-grain or high-fiber cereal with milk also works, he notes. Even grabbing some string cheese and an apple or banana to have with your coffee works, especially when youre rushed. These extras take no time to prepare and are easy to throw into a briefcase, purse, or backpack.Overdoing it with proteinWhile protein has its benefits, if you deprive your body of other essentials, you wont be on the top of your game. As Zuckerbrot explains, if youre not eating carbs, your brain power will suffer and you could find yourself hitting a wall frequently.Eating protein alone will not ward off hunger pains until your next meal. Without enough carbohydrates, your blood sugar will drop leaving you feeling moody, hungry and lacking in energy. Basically, no fun to work with, she continu es.To combat this, consider adding something to your protein snack, like a high-fiber carb or a non-starchy veggie thatll leave you feeling fuller longer, but with a better attitude. She suggests salmon with roasted broccoli or cauliflower as a go-to.A mid-day energy drinkRepeat after us (and Ayoob) No energy drinks. Ever.The energy is mostly just caffeine and maybe some added sugar. Im not a fan and dont recommend them, and energy shots are the worst. Some are packed with the caffeine of three cups of strong coffee, he explains. If you need a 3 p.m. pick-me-up and youre not exactly hungry, he suggests a latte over an energy drink for your health. This gives you some added protein and of course, some calcium along with the jolt of java.Downing fruit like its no big dealIt is easy to eat, feels like no calories at all and satisfies your sweet tooth almost as effectively as the brownie you really want. But Zuckerbrot warns to tread lightly on the fruit section of the pyramid because w hile rich in fiber, they are carbs and can cause you to feel a decrease in focus, fast. To combat this, snack wisely, and perhaps, skip over your banana-a-day- habits since they arent quite as fulfilling as you think with only one gram of fiber.A banana is digested quickly. This is great for a marathon runner who needs a sudden burst of energy, not so great for the work day when you need sustained energy, she continues. Opt for higher fiber fruits like raspberries, blueberries, apples, pears, and kiwis and stick to one serving per day so that you are not overdoing it on carbohydrates.Choosing granola as a snackZuckerbrot says to not let the labels fool you Granola isnt healthy or all-natural but rather, its full of carbs, added sugar, and very little fiber. In fact, a serving of granola is equivalent to two slices of white breadInstead, choose a high fiber cereal such as Natures Path Smart Bran and combine it with plain Greek yogurt. This perfect combo of fiber and protein will kee p blood sugar stable, promote lasting satiety and help you concentrate on your work rather than on your rumbling stomach, she explains.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

What Font Size Should a Resume Be at a Glance

What Font Size Should a Resume Be at a Glance What Font Size Should a Resume Be Options A tiny creativity is certain to make it a masterpiece. Be consistent with stylization, and just select one or two to make sure your resume appears professional and simple to read. A modern resume needs to be simple to read and attractively designed. In case you by chance have any kind of conventional instruction, then be certain to mention it in your instruction sectionthis permits one to stick out from different candidates. There is a great deal of cool fonts you may be tempted to utilize for your resume since they look both appealing and professional, but should you want to make certain your document will translate well on Windows and Mac PCs, its wise to choose one which is available on both operating systems. Along with social media, the remainder of your contact information ought to be modernized too. With so many choices readily available, determining the very best font for a resume can at times be a tricky decision. The What Font Size Should a Resume Be Stories Read below for more thorough info on the length of time your resume should be, and strategies for making your resume the ideal length. You must make sure your resume is bedrngnis hard to read and highlights the fruchtwein relevant info on your resume. Resumes dont need to be one page. You might also compose a two-page resume if youre in a field that demands technical skills. The duration of your resume ought to depend on your experience and the kind of job that youre seeking. You also might need to put things such as education and skills lists into columns to conserve space. By following a couple of easy suggestions youll be able to create a simple to read resume that highlights your abilities and work experience. Well, Arial is the ideal choice for your resume. Adhering to the instance of traditional Arial, Arial Narrow is a significant selection for a resume. If you wish to use a sans-se rif font, Arial is one of the greatest options for your resume. If youre looking for an old-style font, you should think about using Garamond for your resume. To some, its regarded as a more modern Serif font in comparison with Garamond. Helvetica is considered by many people to be among the most effective all-around fonts. Helvetica is the very best pick in regards to playing it safe and straightforward. Helvetica is additionally a sans-serif font and is very similar to Arial. Youve got the opportunity to maneuver up fast A lot of the auto components are really important. Needless to say, there are dozens and dozens of distinct fonts to select from, but not all them are befitting to use on a resume, so picking one is quite important to be in a position to land work. If your resume includes a whole lot of technical info, Calibri might not be the best choice. Therefore, if youre still hesitant about which font family to use there isnt any need to fret about doing it. Afte r choosing the family members and manners of font, size is the upcoming important point to look at. The only thing to take note of is that condensed or lightweight sans serifs can be somewhat tricky to read and should most likely be avoided. Okay, you can quit staring at your screen. Along with font types, the typical font size also needs to be carefully considered when writing an executive resume. As a rule of thumb, the font you need to use for an executive resume ought to be clear, scalable and legible. The broad A is likely to make your name pop if it has the letter. Your resume ought to have a consistent font size throughout the webpage. Therefore, if you use non-standard fonts, utilize the PDF format. Choosing your perfect resume font is dependent on specific facets. Deciding on the correct font, the suitable format, and the right font size is equally as essential as the set of skills youre going to pitch to your possible employer. Some resume fonts have to be avoided in any way costs. If you discover that your resume exceeds one particular page by a little sum, consider altering the font or size to boost spacing and produce your resume easier to read. Formatting your resume can be quite tricky.